A Brand NEW HomerHickam.com Website!
I’m pleased to announce we have upgraded our website which you can now view at https://www.homerhickam.com!
Why the change? Well, just to be completely forthcoming, Linda and I did not give up our old website easily. After all, we had put a lot of work in it over the years. But finally, we had to face the fact that it was very dated and looked sort of, well, tired. We’d also hung so much stuff on it, we knew it was hard to navigate. We could also tell that many people didn’t read much of anything on it because we received so much email with questions about things that were already on the old site.
So. . .
We took a deep breath and charged into the future with a new HomerHickam.com.
One thing we learned from our new webmeister is that the way people look at websites these days has changed considerably since we created our old site. Internet surfers often use their iphones (or equivalent) to look at the Internet which means we needed to make sure our site looked good on the small screen of a phone as well as a giant screen on a computer. People also don’t like to click on a bunch of topics these days but prefer to scroll down a long, vertical page to see what they want to see. So you’ll notice some of that on our new site although some “clickable” stuff is inevitable.
We also wanted to highlight my new novel, Carrying Albert Home: The Somewhat True Story of a Man, his Wife, and her Alligator. The enthusiasm of our publishers, both domestic and Internationally, has been amazing and early reviews have been spectacular. We hope to engage a new crop of readers for Albert’s story as well as bring along our dear friends and fans who have read my other books.
As you may notice, the new website has a place to order autographed and inscribed Homer Hickam books, called SHOP. On the other end of that order, you’ll find none other than Linda, my wife, who does this fine service to my readers entirely voluntarily with her little virtual bookstore, KnowInk . Well, I occasionally have to take her on vacation somewhere nice but that’s all. Our cats work for free in the shipping department.
So be nice to Linda with lots of orders and I promise she’ll be really nice back. And your gift-giving problems will be solved!
And there you have it on our new website. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter on it and also check out the CONNECT page and let us know what you think of the new https://www.homerhickam.com and anything else you’d like us to know concerning my books, events, and so forth.
Aiming high out here as always,
Homer Hickam
- Wyatt is in charge of shipping...
- and computer work.
- China helps with printing.
- CB is great on box control.